What are Dubai work visa fees for Pakistani citizens?

Dubai is known as one of the best tourist attractions in the world. Dubai is a hub of tourism. According to last year's estimation, it has seen that there were over 8 million people visited Dubai within 06 months only. It is estimated that in 2020 almost 20 million people will get Dubai Tourist Visa to visit Dubai for several purposes. The reason behind this huge tourism is that Dubai comes with the most adventurous experience the example of which the tourists can never find anywhere else in the world.  
Where Dubai is known as a hub of tourism, at the same time Dubai is also known as a hub of employment. It has seen that Dubai is a home of over 200 nationalities. The employment rate is very high in Dubai and people throughout the world move to Dubai for employment purposes. Pakistan is not exceptional in this case. There are thousands of Pakistani citizens get a Dubai work visa on annual bases. For a good employment chance in Dubai, the applicant should be skilled workers. The skilled workers are precious and valuable and can get an easy job there. Those applicants who are looking to apply for a work visa and are not familiar with the visa policy, they are invited by trips.pk to get every single piece of information here: 
Dubai Work Visa Types
To get entrance permission in Dubai for employment purposes the applicants are required to get a valid work permit of Dubai. The chances or availability of a dubai visa for Pakistani citizens depends upon the application process of the applicants. Applicants who are going to submit a complete application can run a safe application process. Generally, the applicants are provided two types of employment in Dubai and these are included on, limited term contract or fixed term and unlimited term contract.  
1. Limited Term Contract Or Fixed Term 
This type of employment is limited and for a fixed period. The start and end duration are mentioned in the employment letter or work permit. However, the applicants can get a further extension on behalf of their employment letter or by their employer. Generally, the time duration of the limited employment contract is 02 years.  
2. Unlimited Term Contract 
This is a type of open-minded and more flexible employment opportunity. By mutual consent, the employment contract can be terminated. However, a notice of one to three months will be required for termination. Under this category, the employees can work easily according to their needs. There is no limitation and no fixed period of employment. However, the employee can also switch the job according to their need and requirements.  
Dubai Work Visa Fee 
The following is the chart of dubai work visa fee for the applicants from outside of the country: 
Visa Type
Visa Fee

General Work Permt Issuing Fee
200 Dh

02 Years Work Permit 
300 Dh

Skilled worker for second class companies  
500 Dh

Semi-skilled worker for second class companies  
1200 Dh

Level B Skilled Worker 
1000 Dh

Level B Semi-skilled Worker
2200 Dh

Level C Skilled Worker
1500 Dh

Level C Semi-skilled Worker
2700 Dh 

Level D Skilled Worker
2000 Dh

Level D Semi-skilled Worker
3200 Dh 

For further updates regarding Dubai visa fees all the applicants are advised to contact us and their query will be sent to the concerned visa consultant officer to bring a potential solution. 
Requirements Of Dubai Work Visa 
Applicants who are looking for a Dubai work permit are required to get a Dubai residence permit first. On behalf of this residence permit, the applicants will be granted a work permit. 
The following are the requirements to get a residence permit: 
  • A duly filled application form 
  • Passport-sized photographs
  • Original passport and copy 
  • Copy of a valid company card
  • Copy of valid commercial license of the company 
  • Application fee 
  • Valid health document 
  • Entry permit 

The following are the requirements to get work permit: 
  • Photographs of applicants 
  • A valid residence permit 
  • Valid passport 
  • Valid health certificate 
  • Copies of employment contract (03)
  • Education certificates (evidence of professional qualification)
  • Valid trade license of the sponsoring employer   

Note: If any further document or proof will be required then applicants will have to submit while submitting their application. Moreover, for any other query related to a residence permit and work permit you are allowed to contact us and your query will be answered as soon as possible.    
Employment Benefits In Dubai
The following are the benefits of employment in Dubai: 
Good Salary Packages: A high skilled worker can earn over 7,000 AED while working in Dubai. 
Paid Leaves: Most of the companies offered employees paid leaves annually. 
Medical Facilities: Most of the companies offered employees medical facilities. 
Notice Period: Almost all the companies in Dubai offer employees the notice period before terminating them. This helps them to find a new job before getting a termination. 
Professional Working Environment: All the companies in Dubai are working in a highly professional environment. So, this is an opportunity for employees to work in a professional environment. Moreover, it is also a way to get self-grooming while working with or under professionals.
Career Opportunities: By getting professional experience while working in Dubai one can get a better career and employment opportunities in the future.
Get Dubai Work Visa 
Where trips.pk offers the users the complete detail of Dubai work visa or Dubai visit visa and all other types of visas. At the same time, trips.pk also takes the responsibility to offer applicants visa opportunities. Yes! Here you can find the professional Consultants for Dubai visa in Lahore to apply a safe application. You can find a list of all the consultants to get the better one or near one to you. So, for further guidance and a safe application process join us today. Moreover, for any other related query to visit visa or work permit for any of your desired destinations feel free to contact trips.pk and you will be provided the complete solution.


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